Stories on Stage
Upcoming Entertainment
At Playhouse On The Park, our outstanding Theatre events and performances are a result of the hard work and dedication of our incredible staff and acclaimed performers. Check out our calendar and see what’s coming up this season, we guarantee you’ll find an event that gets your artistic juices flowing.
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About the Playhouse
What All the Buzz is About
This is Your Playhouse, Join Us!
Playhouse On The Park is an exceptional Performing Arts Theatre Venue in Phoenix's Central Arts District. Located in Central Arts Plaza at the corner of Central Avenue and Palm Lane, we have played a defining role in the cultural life of Phoenix since 2000. We are committed to supporting the performing arts and generating a greater appreciation of it by the masses. We continue to be a home for emerging and established theatre companies and artists in the Valley. Need a home for your next project? Contact Us.
Contact Us
Get in touch with us today to learn more about our performance schedule or to rent space for your next theatrical event.
1850 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 254-2151